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Top 3 Qualities of an Employee

Applying for a new job can be scary and exciting all at the same time. It is also hard to make sure that you stand out in the crowd against all of the other applicants. So let's look at some of the top qualities employers look for in their employees.

1. Self - Motivated. 

Honestly, this one seems easy. How frustrating is it to have to constantly be telling someone what to do and how to do it. Employers want people who will learn what is required of them and just do it. 

2. Dependable.

You know those people who complain about not having enough hours and then they call in all the time or they say no to taking extra shifts, ya that is what we would call the opposite of dependable, unreliable. Employers want people who work when they are scheduled and pick up the slack when needed. Of course don't overwork yourself by taking on too many hours.

3. Positive Attitude.

Who wants to work with someone who is always complaining? Not me. Be positive, even when you don't want to be. Your positivity will rub off on others and your work day will be more enjoyable.

Most importantly, be yourself. 

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