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Starting Over

Starting over. Those two words seem very scary and they are definitely not easy to write. The idea of having to start over and do something new is scary and can sometimes feel like moving backwards.

Recently I moved across the country and had to start over with a new job. Being young and already having an amazing job where I lived before to moving somewhere and having to start a new job was hard and scary. At first I felt disappointed in myself but then I realized that this is a time in my life to wait on the Lord and be patient in what He has in store for me.

While this is not easy it is important in life to trust God and know that His plan is way better than anything we could think up. With that being said prayer is helpful and leaning on Him is the most important.

This will not be easy but with each sunrise God has promised that you are here on this earth for a purpose and while we don't see that purpose yet, God knows what it is.

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