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Seeking God in The Desert

This past weekend I went for a hike in the desert. The beauty that I encounter when I go on a hike is always amazing and it is always refreshing to remember that God created the beauty that surrounds us. Being far away from the lights , people, and buildings in the city and being in God's creation is important.

While on this hike, a thought struck me and as I took each step in that desert, I was reminded that while we sometimes feel like we are in this desert away from God and that He doesn't care for us or isn't listening to us, He is listening and He is there.

Seeking God in the desert of our lives can sometimes be hard but I think in the end it's an important part of our growth. In these moments of feeling alone or isolated, we need to seek God. We should be praying and reading our scripture, keeping our eyes on God.

Hosea 13:5 says "I cared for you in the wilderness, In the land of drought."

God cares for us in all places of our lives. He is here with us now and he is also in the place where we are going. God has a plan for our lives and sometimes when we feel like we are in the desert, it is the most important time to press on and never lose sight of God.

Remember, he is for us! Romans 8:31

Until next time,


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