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This world is full of things that try to tear us apart and make us feel that we have no value and that our life does not matter. These things take over who we are and pull us down like heavy weights. But the truth is that God deemed us priceless, so much so that He sent His son to die a terrible death for us. Our value should not be found in what the world thinks of us but of what God thinks of us.

With so many things pulling our attention away from God, we find it hard to hold onto this message of our true value. I believe this is why it is important to be careful who we let into our lives and what we let into our minds. We should guard our heart and mind and keep our eyes on Christ.

The Bible tells us this about women.

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Proverbs 31:10

Our worth is beyond that of rubies, we are PRICELESS.

This is a reminder that I was given after reading the book by brothers, Luke and Joel Smallbone from the band For King and Country. The book Priceless, She's worth fighting for, is a beautiful story that shares an incredible journey of a man and two young girls. The story itself is about more than just the women and how they are priceless, it is also about men and the way that they need to step up and treat women with respect.

The world we live in is full of women who deem themselves unworthy of love and honor and because of this men do not feel the need to treat women with respect. This is not a blog post about who is right or wrong but rather that we are all priceless and we need to treat each other that way. Jesus valued us above his life, I say that makes us pretty valuable, priceless if you will.

I was not able to see the film Priceless but I am sure that it was even more captivating watching this story unfold before the viewers eyes. This book shares a message that we need to bring back to the world and it is that we are PRICELESS not because a guy or girl says but because God says so.

Love you guys! Don't forget that you are priceless and that God loves you more than you can imagine. Read this book if you want to laugh, cry, and be reminded that you are worthy of love.

Until next time,


P.S. My favorite quote from the book - "you are a pearl of great price. Do not cheapen your own treasure."

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